How To Collude In Poker

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03 Dec
  1. How To Cheat In Pokerrrr 2
  2. Collude Synonym

The growing prevalence of staking agreements in tournament poker brings up a possible issue — the increased potential for collusion among players. There are many ways to collude or cheat in. Beasts of Poker is an online poker guide created by industry veterans, offering the best poker bonuses and rakeback deals, expert site reviews and free in-depth poker articles. Besides helping you to crush poker, we want to bring a bit of the flash of the golden era of poker. If Player 1 has pocket tens and Player 2 has pocket kings and goes all in. As both of them are cheating, so Player 1 will fold his hand instead of making a call. If Player 1 and Player 2 never bump heads in a hand, or lose money or chips to one another. Player 1 has nuts or the best possible hand.

How to cheat in poker rdr1

Men (and increasingly women) will always try to have an unfair advantage when money is at play. Cheating in poker is probably as old as the game itself. Poker cheats are idolized in movies such as Shade and Rounders. Poker cheats such as Hamilton and Lusardi are legendary for heists at the poker table. But this is not very amusing if you are the one suffering unfair disadvantage and losing to a scammer.

Poker Cheating in Online Games

How To Cheat In Pokerrrr 2

Nowadays, many people learn poker online before trying their hand in the more intimidating atmosphere of a live poker room. There are many free poker rooms to practice and also play for low stakes. Online casinos offer fair poker games, you can find free online poker games and tips at CasinosAvenue. Poker cheats are found online as well. Here are some common tricks by online poker cheats;


Collusion cheats try to keep each other alive as long as possible by squeezing out other players and folding unnecessarily. A colluding player will make unexpected moves such as folding for a tiny river bet. A colluding player will fold even when he is holding a relatively strong hand. The end goal for colluders is to have one of them end up with pot.

In the past, casino security would root out colluders by reading their IP addresses. But collusion cheats have become more sophisticated, using IP masking technology. It is easy for two cheats sitting at the same table in Miami to look like one is in Canada and the other in Mexico. Cheats playing apart can also collude by communicating as the game progresses.

Colluding cheats often have the upper hand with this method because it is hard to prove. Telltale signs are players who are always playing together at the same or different online poker tables. Watch out for players who always seem to be entering the pot together.


Deploying artificial intelligence in poker games has brought an elevated threat to poker rooms everywhere. Bots can analyze poker hands in real-time and make recommendations or play like humans. They can also play for a long time without tiring, causing havoc in busy poker rooms.

Is a particular player very successful for very long hours? That is likely a bot. Another telltale sign is if a player has the same response time in different plays. High success from amateurs can also point to a bot.

Casinos can beat bots by going low tech. They can insist on a video link by every player. They can also ask captcha questions that a bot is unlikely to solve, just like websites do.


This is where a player makes a small buy-in, plays along, and lets a more experienced player take over once high stakes are involved. It is like having a graduate take a high school exam. The most obvious sign of ghosting is a sudden change in playing style, like a careful player suddenly making aggressive moves. Video play can eliminate ghosting, although a cheat can still take instruction discreetly.

Live Poker Cheating Tricks


Poker cheats will try these old poker cheating methods in one form or another;


This involves signaling to coordinate play and protect one another at the poker table. Poker cheats can use hand signals, chip placement signals or communicate discreetly. Collusion in live poker games is fairly easy to spot. Colluders will always sit at the same table, pay closer attention to each other, and make suspicious folds.

Marked Cards

Marking cards is harder in a casino than in a home or private game. But poker cheats can collude with dealers to mark cards. Cheats also have become better at marking cards, with invisible ink or marks that only they can see. These cheats will make unexpected big bluffs or make hero calls more times than expected. You can demand a new deck of cards if you suspect the cards are marked.

Angle Shooting

This is simple but very effective. The cheat makes deliberate ‘mistakes' that will put him in an advantage. For example, the cheat makes a bold move on the flop, pushing the chips all in, but they never touch the felt. The other player will then show his hand, assuming the game is over, but the cheat refutes this and plays a winning hand because he has seen the other cards. Always watch the way players place their chips.


Men (and increasingly women) will always try to have an unfair advantage when money is at play. Cheating in poker is probably as old as the game itself. Poker cheats are idolized in movies such as Shade and Rounders. Poker cheats such as Hamilton and Lusardi are legendary for heists at the poker table. But this is not very amusing if you are the one suffering unfair disadvantage and losing to a scammer.

Poker Cheating in Online Games

How To Cheat In Pokerrrr 2

Nowadays, many people learn poker online before trying their hand in the more intimidating atmosphere of a live poker room. There are many free poker rooms to practice and also play for low stakes. Online casinos offer fair poker games, you can find free online poker games and tips at CasinosAvenue. Poker cheats are found online as well. Here are some common tricks by online poker cheats;


Collusion cheats try to keep each other alive as long as possible by squeezing out other players and folding unnecessarily. A colluding player will make unexpected moves such as folding for a tiny river bet. A colluding player will fold even when he is holding a relatively strong hand. The end goal for colluders is to have one of them end up with pot.

In the past, casino security would root out colluders by reading their IP addresses. But collusion cheats have become more sophisticated, using IP masking technology. It is easy for two cheats sitting at the same table in Miami to look like one is in Canada and the other in Mexico. Cheats playing apart can also collude by communicating as the game progresses.

Colluding cheats often have the upper hand with this method because it is hard to prove. Telltale signs are players who are always playing together at the same or different online poker tables. Watch out for players who always seem to be entering the pot together.


Deploying artificial intelligence in poker games has brought an elevated threat to poker rooms everywhere. Bots can analyze poker hands in real-time and make recommendations or play like humans. They can also play for a long time without tiring, causing havoc in busy poker rooms.

Is a particular player very successful for very long hours? That is likely a bot. Another telltale sign is if a player has the same response time in different plays. High success from amateurs can also point to a bot.

Casinos can beat bots by going low tech. They can insist on a video link by every player. They can also ask captcha questions that a bot is unlikely to solve, just like websites do.


This is where a player makes a small buy-in, plays along, and lets a more experienced player take over once high stakes are involved. It is like having a graduate take a high school exam. The most obvious sign of ghosting is a sudden change in playing style, like a careful player suddenly making aggressive moves. Video play can eliminate ghosting, although a cheat can still take instruction discreetly.

Live Poker Cheating Tricks

Poker cheats will try these old poker cheating methods in one form or another;


This involves signaling to coordinate play and protect one another at the poker table. Poker cheats can use hand signals, chip placement signals or communicate discreetly. Collusion in live poker games is fairly easy to spot. Colluders will always sit at the same table, pay closer attention to each other, and make suspicious folds.

Marked Cards

Marking cards is harder in a casino than in a home or private game. But poker cheats can collude with dealers to mark cards. Cheats also have become better at marking cards, with invisible ink or marks that only they can see. These cheats will make unexpected big bluffs or make hero calls more times than expected. You can demand a new deck of cards if you suspect the cards are marked.

Angle Shooting

This is simple but very effective. The cheat makes deliberate ‘mistakes' that will put him in an advantage. For example, the cheat makes a bold move on the flop, pushing the chips all in, but they never touch the felt. The other player will then show his hand, assuming the game is over, but the cheat refutes this and plays a winning hand because he has seen the other cards. Always watch the way players place their chips.

Poker cheating has become rarer because of improved security in both online and land-based casinos. But it is a good idea to stay vigilant and avoid losing to a smooth criminal.

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Immediately after the first Internet-poker website went online, people began to wonder if there might be a way to beat the system through cheating. It didn't take long for players to realize this fact: While they were playing online poker, they could be speaking on the telephone to another player at the same table, and no one else would be the wiser.
This idea of working with another player was not new to the world of poker. At brick-and-mortar poker establishments, players have been teaming up for as long as there has been gambling. Two players go to a cardroom and sit at the same poker table. They have a predetermined system of signals to communicate with each other about their hands. The theory is that, together, they can better manipulate the betting and, eventually, win a lot of money. This form of cheating is called collusion.
In practice, making collusion profitable is an iffy proposition. It is far more difficult to execute properly than most people realize. Nonetheless, done skillfully over a long period of time, two colluding players can gain an advantage over the rest of the table. For that reason, cardrooms and casinos have policies in place to watch for collusion. Should they spot evidence of two players working together in this manner, they will promptly ban those players from their establishment.
Online poker is a different story altogether, and you can see why. With online poker, there is no physical poker table where players actually see each other with their own eyeballs. When you play poker online, you could be doing anything. Players can (and do) post probability charts next to their computers, sit at their computers naked, loudly swear and curse and give tells like crazy. Anything and everything is okay, since players cannot see what other players are doing. There are activities that no player would dream of doing while seated at a game in person, but those same activities can be done easily when playing poker online.
Included in this list of possible activities is talking to other players. At an in-person game, it is not possible to carry on a secret conversation with one of the other players at the table. You cannot discuss your hand and devise joint strategies to defeat your opponents while you are involved in the game. Obviously, if you tried to do this, other players would know what you are doing. But that is not the case online. Online poker seems perfect for such strategies of collusion.
Players collude in online poker games all the time. Often, those players think they are the first people ever to devise such a brilliant scheme. They congratulate themselves on their cleverness. In truth, they are late to the party. It is estimated that as many as one out of every five online poker tables contains at least some players working in collusion in some way.
Is this collusion effective? Not really. Most players who try it, do so only for a while, and then give up after they notice they are not generating any more profit than they normally do. Often, the colluding players actually end up earning less than normal. Such players eventually conclude that working in cahoots with another player is more bother than it is worth, at least for them.
So, what are they doing wrong? Why do their efforts at collusion fail to produce a profit? There are four basic reasons why simple collusion does not work for most players:
1) The players do not communicate effectively. In most cases, players do not have a clear system of communication worked out before they get on the phone with each other and start blabbing about their hands. As a result, mistakes and misunderstandings are common.
2) They do not play well. For most players, the added complication of constantly dealing with another person, analyzing his hands and figuring out strategy with him, is too much added mental baggage. These players do not concentrate as well on the things they should be concentrating on during the game. The most common result is that they play too many poor and marginal hands. These players are eager to get in there and start using their new perceived advantage, and as a result, they play too many hands and play them badly.
3) They are only two players strong. Rarely do colluders get more than two people to go in on their scheme at one time, and that is not enough. And three or more players on a multi-way phone conversation is bedlam, and highly ineffective; it can never work to produce results. Two players are not enough to influence a game and its probabilities a sufficient amount to make much difference, especially if there are another four to eight players seated at the same table. Two guys sitting at a table of ten are not likely to accomplish much, no matter how good they are at their plan.
4) They don't know what to do. This is the biggest reason why online collusion fails for most players. They sit there on the phone with their buddy, and they just know they have some kind of an advantage over the rest of the table. However, they simply do not know what to do with their newfound power. They do not know how to use it.
If you are one of the millions of online poker players who suddenly get the bright idea to collude with a friend while you play, I offer you this advice: don't bother. If you persist in putting your little brainstorm to the test, go right ahead, but you will soon find your dreams of poker riches dashed upon the rocks of reality.
True, there are ways to cheat at online poker. Many players do so every day. But colluding with a friend is not one of those ways. Talking on the phone with your buddy while playing is a sure path to failure. Just in case you are open to hearing my message, I thought I'd save you the trouble and disappointment of trying this shortsighted scheme.

Timmor L. White is the founder and president of Online Poker Systems and the OPS Group. With a background in Internet technology, he is active in the study and reporting of online-poker playing strategies. If you wish to explore a specific way to cheat when playing online, click here: Online Poker Cheat.
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Collude Synonym

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